You can find Dylan at #EglinAFB Tech Expo today! Yesterday he was at #HurlburtAFB Tech Expo. #FloridaSeries #AirForce #FederalIT #Dell #DellPlatinumPartner

We have some new faces at TVAR! We’re thrilled to have you as part of the team.
Jaiden Eaton – Senior Account Manager,
Claire Jackson – Customer Support Rep,
Bweleka Yamikani – Staff Accountant

Great week at Dell Tech World #DellPlatinumPartner #SmallBusiness #VAR #FederalIT #Vegas

Partnering up with Dell at #BSE2023 this week! #FederalIT #BorderSecurityExpo #BorderSecurity #Dell #UDS

This week Dylan and Brian teamed up at the Creech and Nellis Tech and Cyber Days #Veritas #VeritasPartner #AirForce #FedIT #DataProtection #Cyber

We are excited to achieve the Platinum level with Dell Technologies. We are looking forward to another wonderful year of partnership!

You can find Dylan at the Schriever SFB Tech Expo today #SpaceForce #VAR #FederalPartner #DellPartner

Excited to be sponsors at the F5 Public Sector Symposium today! It’s always a great event #VAR #F5partner #FederalIT #Security #Cloud

Thanks to all our partners who joined us yesterday at our March Madness networking event! It was great to bring this event back after a long 3 year wait!