The Chief Information Officer – Commodities and Solutions (CIO-CS) Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) allows federal agencies to acquire IT products with ease on-site or in the cloud.

CIO-CS is seen as an everything IT solution for federal, civilian and DoD agencies. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB), with the support of the Government-wide Category Management Program Management Office, announced that CIO-CS has been designated a Best-in-Class (BIC) contracting vehicle.
CIO-CS offers a ten (10) year Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract with a 60-month base period. This contracting program allows federal agencies to address FedRAMP or other policies such as the Cloud First Initiative. Agencies can address these policies with solutions such as SaaS and PaaS. This contract offers a $20 billion ceiling for each awardee that offers a flexible contract design and no limits on what can be purchased (within scope). This contract allows for deployment of enterprise IT commodity requirements, streamlined planning, and acquisition.
The IT commodities and solutions that are available through CIO-CS include health and biomedical-related IT commodities to meet information management.. Due to medical systems becoming increasingly integrated with IT structure, the contract contains general IT commodities.